Avangard Munich 6-9L

Article number: G#280
Availability: In stock (103)


Avangard's Dark Munich malt is a wonderful malt that can contribute maltiness to beers. It is slightly darker than standard Munich malt, which is reflected in its color and flavor contributions to beer. Dark Munich will add more malt character with a toasted flavor, and darker colors. It can also add body to beers. Often used in traditional German beer styles such as bock beers, Oktober and other festival beers as well as amber and dark lagers, dark Munich malt has also been found to work well in small portions in English and American style ales. A wonderful malt ripe for experimentation, try some today!




14 - 16L
Moisture: 0.04
Extract: 0.805
Usage: up to 80%
Country of Origin: Germany


Munich Malt Spec Sheet

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