HBC 342 hop pellets

Availability: In stock (16)
Hop Union and the Hop Breeding Co. introduced this experimental American hop in 2012. So far it has garnered rave reviews from home and craft brewers alike. Bred for its high alpha and pleasing aroma, this dual purpose hop works well in a variety of beer styles.
With an alpha acid content between 11% and 14%, HBC 342 offers a wonderful bittering quality in beers like IPAs, Pales, and Brown Ales. The mild citrus, tropical, and melon fruit aromas help to make this experimental hop even more versatile. This new hop is still being tested and is generally only available in limited quantities. Brewers have concluded thus far that Simcoe® hops prove to be a decent substitute to the HBC 342 Experimental hop.

Simcoe® is a registered trademark owned by Yakima Chief Hops, LLC.

Product Specifications

Format Pellet
Origin American
Flavor and Aroma Citrus, Tropical, Pleasant
Alpha Acids High
Use Aroma/Flavor
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