Red Star Premier Cuvee

Article number: BZZZ4902
Availability: In stock (30)


Premier Cuvée Red Star

Species : Wine
Fermentation Temp Range (°F) : 45-95
Apparent Attenuation Range (%) : n/a
Flocculation : Low
Alcohol Tolerance : 18%
Pitching/Fermentation : Red Star Premier Cuvée Wine Yeast(Davis 796), a strain of Saccharomyces bayanus from a French wine yeast, is a special isolate of Red Star Yeast & Products. This yeast has good tolerance to ethanol and free sulfur dioxide, and ferments to dryness. Premier Cuvée is noted as a very low producer of foam, urea, and fusel oils. It is recommended for reds, whites and especially champagne.
Notes : This yeast is reported to perform well restarting stuck fermentations. Winemakers have remarked that Premier Cuvée is the fastest, cleanest, and most neutral fermenter offered by Red Star.
Best Styles : Anything but residual-sugar wines
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